Around the World by Trike
Here are few links to some interesting flights in Microlights - note a UK Microlight
is similar to a US LSA, with a slighty lower weight limit.
2011 - Dave Syke’s England to Australia flight (11,714 nautical miles ) in a Pegasus
& Mainair (P&M) Quik - very similar to the Quik GT450
Link to Brian Milton's web site with interesting video of his long distance flights
Videos Includes
1987- London to Sydney in a Shadow aircraft power by a Rotax 447 two
1994 - A group of UK Microlights fly from London to Paris across the channel
in very wet weather - a good collection of trikes - Pegasus, Mainair, Medway
an occasional 3-axis Thruster
1998 - Brian's Flight around the world in a Pegasus Quantum trike -
predecessor to the P&M Quik Range